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  • What is Chinese Medicine??? Part 2 of 3

    What is Chinese Medicine??? Part 1 of 3

    Great to see these simple, non-pharmacological interventions getting traction. It would be a bit of a stretch to say that this is "based on Traditional Chinese Medicine", but it is certainly true, that a similar understanding of the body, as a self-healing, dynamic whole, underlies it.

    #constipation #acupressure



    I am feeling very ambiguous about Amazon Clinic. On one hand, the healthcare marketplace could really benefit from a disruptive player. On the other, the concentration of power, data collection, data mining and other consequences of extremely large players is worrisome, more so when regarding our health than consumer goods.
    It probably was inevitable, because of the way that Modern Industrial Medicine has evolved, in the direction of more and more protocolisation and what has become of the once high hopes of Evidence Based Medicine. And maybe it is what we need, in an age of labour shortages, an rapidly ageing population and an imminent population collapse.

    How will small providers of Traditional Chinese Medicine navigate this development? There may be just as many opportunities as challenges for them.

    An increasing proportion of people in countries like Britain are recognising that the way we live is environmentally unsustainable. Most people hope, however, that a combination of a political response (albeit belated), science, and technology can allow us to live in a manner not that different from how we live now. Indeed, with the rapid rise in renewable energy and lots of talk of achieving net-zero—not least in the NHS—many people simply assume that we will achieve a low-carbon version of our current lives. Many health professionals think that a net-zero health service will allow the continuation of much of the complex, specialist care currently available. Dougald Hine, the former BBC journalist, student of the environmental crisis, and co-author of the Dark Mountain Manifesto, is not one of those who think that life as we know it can continue, as he makes clear in his new book At Work in the Ruins.

    Moxafrica has just officially launched their moxa programme for Long COVID! This programme is available to anyone anywhere in the world free of charge. The design of the programme is based on the results of our pilot study which concluded that moxa can potentially speed up recoveries from Long COVID.

    Suggesting a mechanism for acupuncture as a global percutaneous needle fasciotomy that respects tensegrity principles for treating fibromyalgia - Shiloh Plaut

    #acupuncture #fibromyalgia