  • 0643139217
  • Goeverneurlaan 465
  • The Business of Birth Control

    In this ground breaking film you will...
    - hear scientists explain how the pill, ring, patch, or IUD can negatively impact your mental health
    - learn how the pill shuts down your menstrual cycle and is prescribed as a bandaid solution for all hormonal issues
    - learn how birth control is marketed as a "lifestyle drug" downplaying serious side effects, some of which can be fatal
    - discover that taking hormonal birth control can impact partner attraction
    - discover that more women are turning to non-hormonal options and how those work with your natural cycle

    Viewing Available on Wednesday, March 8th at 9am PST and ends on Sunday, March 12th at midnight PST.


    EvidenceHunt is a new way to search for clinical evidence, using artificial intelligence.
    #research #evidence #medicine #artificialintelligence

    Doctor Manaka was a brilliant acupuncturist and surgeon, and the techniques he developed are very effective and valuable. However, his explanatory model leaves much to be desired. The problem is, that if we rely on models that explain what we do, and those models are then disproven, the justification for the whole treatment seems to fall away, even though it may in fact be clinically effective.

    This will come as no surprise for those who have studied traditional Chinese Medicine.
    #ME/CFS #microbiome

    The book "infant feeding matters" by Maureen Minchin, about infant feeding & immune disorder, 800 pages of solid information, is available for free (donation appreciated) here: and highly recommended.

    #breastfeeding #infantfeeding #babys #immune

    What is Chinese Medicine??? Part 3 of 3