  • 0643139217
  • Goeverneurlaan 465
  • Proven: Een 9-delige documentaire over alternatieve geneeskunde. Tijdelijk gratis te bekijken, na aanmelding. Met onder andere Mel Hopper Koppelman Evidence Based Acupuncture.

    Rachel Waldman, an acupuncturist in the Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine & Digestive Center, discusses acupuncture: what it is, how it works and how it can help those with chronic pain. Visit

    Acupressuur oefening bij een gespannen nek
    Vandaag is de eerste dag van de Stresspreventie challenge en krijg je de eerste bruikbare oefening om zelf de energiestroming te helpen bevorderen bij gespannen nekspieren.
    Bekijk de video hier!
    Wanneer je stress ervaart in je lichaam voelt vaak je nek stijf en verkrampt. In de TCG zegt men over pijn: Waar pijn is stroomt de energie niet goed door in het lichaam. De vrije stroom van energie is geblokkeerd zoals een steen de waterstroom in een rivier tegenhoudt.

    Live Up to Your Name, Dr Heo (1) is a story between two doctors from two different time period set in the present and the Joseon period.
    The tv-series is available on Youtube (2) as well as Netflix.

    Heo Im (starring Kim Nam Gil) is an oriental physician well known for his acupuncture and moxibustion skills. Although his medical skills are well recognised by civilians as well as the royals, his lowly status (he is born to a concubine) often earns him much lower respect as compared to his peers despite his skills is the best among all. However, his fate is about to change when he accidentally finds himself travels through time to present Seoul.

    Choi Yeon Kyung (starring Kim Ah Joong) is a cardiac surgery third year resident who only believes in modern medicine despite her grandfather is an acupuncturist. Emotionally scarred by her father's accident when she was a child, she vows to become a doctor so she could save people's lives. Her initial encounter with Heo Im was full of misunderstandings and mistrust as their personalities and ideologies in medicine clash. However as the time goes by, she begins to see him in a new light and their love blossoms. But Heo Im doesn't stay in Seoul forever; he has a help mission he hasn't accomplished in Joseon and he accidentally found out that by impaling pain to his body or a narrow escape from death he could be able to time travel to and from Joseon. And this time around he wants to remedy his past mistakes and to prove his worth even though there's a war with Japan and that he might never return to the modern day for good.(3)


    De richtlijnen van het National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) worden wereldwijd gerespecteerd en worden veel overgenomen door andere instanties, waaronder het Nederlands Huisartsen Genootschap, dat de richtlijnen voor Nederlandse huisartsen uitvaardigt.

    Het NICE had acupunctuur al aangeraden voor de behandeling van migraine en spanningshoofdpijn, en van 2006 tot 2016 ook voor de behandeling van lage rugpijn. Nu breidt NICE dit uit, en voegt acupunctuur officieel toe aan de richtlijnen voor de behandeling van algemene chronische pijn.
    Dat betekend dat ook Nederlandse patiënten mogen worden gewezen op de de officiële erkenning van acupunctuur voor chronische pijn.

    No one knows a prescription drug’s side effects like the person taking it.

    RxISK is a free, independent drug safety website to help you weigh the benefits of any medication against its potential dangers.
    All drugs have side effects, but people often don’t link the effect they are experiencing to starting, stopping, or changing the dose of a drug. RxISK provides free access to information and tools to help you assess the connection between a drug and a side effect.

    Volkskrant Wetenschap: "Acupunctuur op advies van de medisch specialist: de opmars van aanvullende (dus níét alternatieve) zorg"

    We zijn er nog niet, maar veelbelovende stappen in de goede richting worden gezet.

    Gil Hedley demonstrates the unwinding of the spinning spirals of the human heart center, and reflects upon the nature of the heart center as the place where the blood refreshes its movement, as well as its O2 levels.

    Doing Media Channel has published a nicely done documenatary on Traditional Chinese Medicine in Four parts, called 'The Tale of Chinese Medicine':
    Episode 4:Wisdom of Ancestors