  • 0643139217
  • Goeverneurlaan 465
  • Acupuncture treatment for Hashimoto's thyroiditis: An exploratory randomized controlled trial
    #acupuncture #hashimoto #thyroiditis #thyroid #tcm

    #acupuncture works for #chemotherapy induced peripheral #neuropathy (#CIPN)

    #acupuncture Tops #sham for Easing #ptsd in Combat #veterans — Large #treatment effect observed for clinical and biological measures of combat-related PTSD

    There was also a significant pretreatment to post-treatment reduction in fear-conditioned extinction, which was assessed by a fear-potentiated startle response -- a sudden blast of air paired with a certain image, such as a blue box -- in the group receiving verum acupuncture versus the sham group, and a significant correlation (r=0.31) between symptom reduction and fear extinction.

    #Acupuncture is one of the most #Evidencebased therapies known in modern #medicine.
    compiled by John McDonald


    Read the whole article by Brook Cheng:

    In modern conventional medicine, #cortisone shot (#Corticosteroid #injections) is commonly advocated to be of benefit for #pain despite studies continue to show little efficacy but harms of this intervention.

    In 2022, American medical doctor Ross Hauser summarized the harms from cortisone shots based on the most recent researches:

    Corticosteroid increases #knee #Cartilage destruction.
    Cortisone injections increase the risk of #joint surgery.
    Cortisone injections increase the need for secondary surgery and possibly higher risk for post-surgical infections in the joint.
    Corticosteroids can alter the healing environment of the joint by effecting damage on the native stem cells in cartilage.

    Dr Hauser believes that “there is no doubt that the rise of osteoarthritis, as well as the number of hip and knee replacements, is a direct result of the injection of corticosteroids into these joints” .

    Based on his extensive literature review, Dr Hauser concluded:

    Cortisone has a harmful effect on soft tissue healing by inhibiting blood flow to the injured area, suppressing new blood vessel formation, suppressing the growth of immune cells like leukocytes and macrophages, preventing protein synthesis, fibroblast proliferation, and ultimately collagen formation.
    Cortisone inhibits the release of growth hormone, which further decreases soft tissue and bone repair.
    Cortisone weakens collagen and therefore soft tissue such as ligaments and tendons.

    #Acupuncture is a safe, evidence-based #therapy recommended by oncologists to help relieve complex consequences of #cancer #treatment.

    Just because we practice traditional Chinese medicine, doesn't mean we condone animal cruelty, so we are happy that African Heads of State and Government recommend a continent-wide ban on the slaughter of donkeys for their skin.
    There are many alternatives to animal products, including different herbal medicines, foods, qi gong, moxa and even acupuncture. Chinese medicine has a very long and very noble history, and has always adapted to the needs and customs of the times. It can do without products that are not ethical to use in the 21st century.
    #donkey #Ejiao #chineseherbalmedicine #chineseherbs #herbalmedicine #sustainability #TCM #acupuncture

    Chinese Herbal Medicine is not based on the idea of molecules that are active components (like pharmaceutical medicine), or the idea that certain herbs combat certain symptoms (like modern Western herbalism or homeopathy), but on the flavours and nature of the herbs. Western science seems to finally catch up with this, as it has been discovered that our whole body, including muscles, kidneys and lungs, has the same scent detectors found in your nose.
